Can I Use E-Cigarettes in the Air?

From everyday Joes to celebrity superstars, e-cigarettes have quickly found their way to the mouths of smokers of all kinds. In addition to the lessened health risk and inexpensive refills, many smokers are drawn to e-cigarettes because they are allowed in many public places where traditional cigarettes have been banned. These include restaurants, bars and public parks. Smoke of any kind has also been banned in airplane cabins, leading some e-cigarette users to wonder: Can e-cigs be used in the air?

Examining the Official Rules
According to the Department of Transportation, there is no difference between smoking a real cigarette and using one that releases vapor. This means that e-cigarettes can not officially be used on commercial flights. In addition to the DOT’s position on the matter, some airlines have taken matters into their hands, effectively banning e-cigarette use from their flights. These include American Airlines and Jet Blue, both of which explicitly state in their carriage agreement that the products are forbidden from use in the cabin.

In spite of the ban on their use in the air, e-cigs can be transported on a commercial flight, just like traditional tobacco products. Within the United States, it is important to note that liquid limits of 3 ounces still apply, meaning e-cigarette users should take careful caution when flying with their cigarettes. If carrying more than 3 ounces of e-liquid, TSA agents will mandate its immediate disposal.

Confusion Regarding E-Cig Use
Perhaps most confusing for smokers is that while the DOT has made its position on the use of e-cigarettes in the air quite clear, the agency has yet to release an official edict banning the practice outright. For this reason, some flight attendants have allowed e-cig smokers to use their electronic devices on the plane. Further complicating matters, some countries have banned the use of e-cigarettes outright, which means that smokers flying to such destinations could potentially find themselves facing legal repercussions, where they to be found in the possession of such materials upon landing at the local airport.

Just last year, a Continental Airlines flight was forced to return to the airport after a passenger was asked not to use his e-cigarette onboard the aircraft. The passenger argued that he was not releasing any smoke into the cabin, but flight attendants were not sympathetic to his claim. Ultimately, the plane not only returned to the airport, but the passenger in question was charged by the federal government for his actions, which were deemed to be a danger to the public safety of other passengers.

Although some confusion remains regarding what is and isn’t acceptable with e-cigarette usage, as a general rule, e-cig smokers should understand that the use of electronic cigarettes is not formally allowed in the air. Some passengers have been able to use them successfully while flying, but many others have encountered serious obstacles. Because the Department of Transportation officially bans their use, it is advisable for smokers to avoid using their e-cigs whenever flying on commercial airliners.
